Christian Maldonado



As a member of the CENTURY 21 Core Partners team, I am here to help you in the process of buying or selling a home. Now with 9 years of experience, my Real Estate practice is based mostly on referral from previous clients as well as new clients who seek an experienced agent.

I enjoy helping buyers to find their perfect home; there is nothing better than finding the right place to call home and I will do everything in my power to make sure you feel the same way.

If you are looking for a true professional who will treat you as a valuable client, call me at: 717-487-0131.  I'd be more than happy to assist you in your real estate matters.

Christian Maldonado, REALTOR®



To visit CENTURY 21 Core Partners , please go to:

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Oficina regional de York

1925 East Market St.,
York PA 17402

Áreas de cobertura

Datos de la población | York, PA

Mediana edad: 33.9
Casados: 24.04%
Hogares: 17,306

Descripción general

Población por sexo
49% Masculino
51% Femenino

Tipos de ocupación
1,965 Vacante
7,318 Propio
9,988 Alquilado


Empleos profesionales y administrativos/manuales y técnicos
55% Profesionales y administrativos
45% Manuales y técnicos

Transporte al trabajo
79% En auto
5% En medio de transporte público
8% A pie/En bicicleta/Otro
8% Trabaja en casa